
mrcuban Game profile


Nov 23rd 2018, 21:12:59

The bot era whilst it has taken the pressure off new tags and small tags, the small tags have left the game or merged with other small tags.

In my opinion the bots aren’t good for the game. It makes it easier for me to spend less time engaged in the game. I can race to land target then build out / cash and stock on mobile.

Which in turn has made it less a war game, less strategy, less risk, less involved and I guess less committed. If I got grabbed or put into dr id feel like my set is over, and have a whinge, possibly leave the game Which isn’t great.

Anyways we’ve all been in this merry-go-round discussion about how we can save the game. I’ve offered financial assistance, I’ve offered to setup a go fund page so everyone can contribute big or small.

There is still some of us here that believe with some updates this game would find a player base if 1-5k players (real player) around the world and see steady growth from there.

I’m sick of talking about it, it is clear the owners don’t want to make any real change. I personally don’t understand that. You didn’t buy the game. And yet you are too late when it comes to saving this game...

Edited By: mrcuban on Nov 23rd 2018, 21:16:48. Reason: Auto correct changes
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