
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 12th 2018, 16:00:01

I think he doesnt know that having an open profile doesnt display current countries, only past ones.

I'm going to be honest, ugo. This is the only server I war on. I used to war on team more, but not so much anymore. FFA I think I've participated in 2 wars lifetime. I'm largely a netter outside of this server.

If anyone was a candidate for cross server grief, it's me. Everything is my fault, I'm the ruin of netters everywhere, etc. My profile is always open and anyone can look at my past countries. I have only ever been targeted, with my dozens of sworn enemies and repeat names, in a cross server fashion 1 time. 1 time on 1 server EVER.

The old guard of this game has very specific etiquette. Crossing servers is the realm of griefer suiciders and not major player types. People who cross servers are widely thought of as scummy.

DP's most sworn enemy on team is his co head on FFA. I could see why you'd be worried about it, seeing as your friends target the same lot on every server, but that's considered really bad etiquette and is one of about a dozen reasons people take issue. I play with ironx on alliance. I get drunk af and try to kill him at 5am on ffa. Crossing servers is just a cowards play to get back at someone you couldn't best elsewhere.

That said, just to repeat, your current countries don't show up. Just your past ones. So to think a current would get targeted cross server is super paranoid.

But yeah sin, it's a very clear cut and dry thing made unclear by bush beating.

The point is, for me, that you should be doing whatever you do on the other servers. That has no bearing on me here. I'd never cross servers to hit you. That's nuts. But your best pals that currently play in game are the suiciders. Do you really have clout with them, but waste it? You could tell them "look guys, I want to net here and I cant while you guys are being bumps. Maybe you have the clout to stop them so you could play?"

But no. You publicly posted a dozen messages about how you support the fact that they are suiciding netters. I mean jeez dude. You implicated yourself, not only as an associate and friend of theirs, but as a friend of those who suicide netters. That's not cool man.