
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 1st 2018, 16:42:13

Originally posted by Karnage XZ:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Yeah. The restart bonus legitimately only makes sense for tags that get beat to hell in a war to keep participating in the game. Its effect is unfortunately that it makes endless boring wars. I get that the aim is player retention and that's swell but the c.f. was a mode of retention that is now non-existent.

In the way that it makes an endless retarded boring war that only makinso enjoys it makes an endless retarded griefer out of something that used to be simple to handle in a suicider. They basically had one shot and when stock stealing became obsolete with the changes to grabbing, the awesome suicider build became an obsolete strat.

The only thing still allowing them to be a set long nuisence is the restart bonus. And I think wardogs want to see it gone more than netters because the guys that choose to war don't really care what happens after it's won or lost. It's some petty netter nonsense that never makes a difference anyways.
Still waiting for your official surrender!

What in the world are you clowns talking about? I think it was sol did this the other set. I legitimately don't understand what you guys mean when you ask me to "admit we lost." That's not based on my admission. It's based on who died and who didn't. And not only that but me saying "Ok we lost" doesn't work no matter how many times I say it. I don't think you guys even know what the hell you want.

I remember sui on a big diatribe about that. Weezy contacted me and told me about that and I said I'm ignoring it because I don't know what the hell you mean.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Aug 1st 2018, 16:44:24
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