
sinistril Game profile


Jun 9th 2017, 9:08:53

1. Yes, I can name terrorist ridden countries on maps. You know, having fought against them in one.
2. The Paris Climate Agreement means nothing. That's not me saying it, that's every Democrat saying it. The agreement is non-binding. Basically, it's virtue signalling. The dangerous part is that some will think it means something and it will suddenly become a political issue as it has now. Not being in the agreement does not mean the country still can't make green energy a priority, or help developing countries do the same, but essentially promising a large sum of money to a political union with no substantive power as to where that money goes is dangerous. It is better to be in control of your own money. Also, the fact that Obama wanted a huge amount of money to go towards it that is not representative to the US emissions and allows places like China, and India to pollute indefinitely is also a problem. The fact is that the agreement is just a PR tool for most countries. In fact, most countries signing it are essentially pledging absolutely nothing towards it so it is easy for them to criticise the US not getting in. Also, the agreement even if it was binding and even if it was fair is proposing to do essentially nothing. Considering what a complete disaster Kyoto was, I think there is good reason not to sign an agreement because "it's the only game in town", and Trump never said he wouldn't sign an agreement, just not that one. How is that not a fair statement? But yeah, "hilariously retarded", good point you numpty.
3. I was talking about Whitewater as for the investigation, not the impeachment that followed it; however, Bill Clinton should have been talking to a lawyer and likely was. He was cleared not because he did not commit the offences he was impeached for but because of a partisan Senate, which is why if Trump were impeached (there is no evidence to suggest he has done anything impeachable yet) then he will get cleared by the Senate as well. There is no chance the Dems get a super majority and the Republicans have a long enough memory to realise that a lot of the Senators that refused to indict Bill Clinton are still sitting.
4. Having an armed NATO does not dethrone the US as a world leader. It is meant to prevent Russian aggression in Eastern Europe and possibly North Korean aggression across the pacific. Relying completely on the US to police the world is a bad idea especially when the US is riddled with major political issues. It would be much more beneficial if NATO could operate without the US to protect their sovereignty. As for the Middle East, there will be aggression there no matter what Europe does. There is already a major proxy war going on that might get a lot worse and having a strong NATO could make Saudi Arabia and Iran think twice about having a full scale war with each other. As far as the origin of the recent terrorist attacks in Europe, well, from all over actually. The Manchester attack was done by a guy with contacts in Libya. You can make any conspiracy theory as to the complicity of Saudi Arabia in the attacks, but acting like everything has one source is at best poorly thought out and at worst dangerously accusatory.

I agree the best way to make progress in the world is to be productive, not to burn stuff down, unfortunately, there are people like you that just say things without thinking them through. Be thankful there are people like me in the world, or everyone would be like you.

Edited By: sinistril on Jun 9th 2017, 9:20:59
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