
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Mar 3rd 2017, 0:41:58

1. Theocracy; -20% Military costs
This ONLY reduces private market prices and does nothing for your military upkeep costs.

2. Military technology; Military Costs: 90.0% of Normal
This one, which also affects "Military Costs" reduces both military upkeep costs AND private market prices.

3. Tyranny; 10% military upkeep costs
This I assume reduces military upkeep costs. Nothing strange here

4. Military Bases, as I understand the formula works in separate ways to reduce the military upkeep(up to about 30% land coverage) and to reduce the private market prices(no cap) with different formulas. The way it works may be difficult to understand but the help info both on the wiki and on the building screen says clearly that MBs reduce upkeep costs AND purchase costs.

The one that stands out here is the Theocracy govt bonus, which I think everyone assumes has the same effect as Military technology, as they have the same nomenclature.

1. Change the theocracy bonus wording.
2. Change the theocracy bonus function to -15% but make it work on military upkeep costs as well as private market prices. This change would make theos worse at destocking but improve their midgame. Perhaps it would make the turn taking TMBR viable on some servers.

Edited By: Gerdler on Mar 6th 2017, 10:53:48
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