Oct 4th 2010, 12:54:37
New Netters Anonymous Retal Policy (unpacted clans & untagged players)
All single hits on our tag by a single country or made by our tag from a single country on another tag in a 24 hour period are retallable only by the defender.
If any country hits more than once on our tag in 24 hours, or multiple countries in a tag hit the same NA country, then any NA country can retal the attackers according to 1:1 escalating. same goes for any NA country multi hitting on another tag, then any country in that clan can retal according to 1:1 escalating. this does not pertain to multiple countries in NA making single landgrab hits on another tag, or multiple countries in another clan making single landgrab hits on NA.
"land:land" discussions must be handled by FA's if either side wishes to have land:land. any hits above 1:1 escalating, without prior FA approval, will be deemed over retals, and retalled according to 2:1 escalating.
5+ non retal hits on our tag from a country within 72 hours will be met with death
any missiles on our tag will be met with death
any AB/GS/BR attacks on our tag will be met with death
any harmful spy ops on our tag will be met with death
declaring war on any country in our tag will be met with death [edit: declaring war and then grabbing that country]
Likewise, if any NA country does one of the above 5 things on your tag, it can be killed.
All killing/retalling must be done within 72 hours. If the country has not been killed or retalled in 72 hours from the initial hits, then the retal/killing period is forfeited. This time period is extended indefinitely if the country in question enters vacation mode in the 48-72 hour window after their initial attacks.
Netters Anonymous President
All single hits on our tag by a single country or made by our tag from a single country on another tag in a 24 hour period are retallable only by the defender.
If any country hits more than once on our tag in 24 hours, or multiple countries in a tag hit the same NA country, then any NA country can retal the attackers according to 1:1 escalating. same goes for any NA country multi hitting on another tag, then any country in that clan can retal according to 1:1 escalating. this does not pertain to multiple countries in NA making single landgrab hits on another tag, or multiple countries in another clan making single landgrab hits on NA.
"land:land" discussions must be handled by FA's if either side wishes to have land:land. any hits above 1:1 escalating, without prior FA approval, will be deemed over retals, and retalled according to 2:1 escalating.
5+ non retal hits on our tag from a country within 72 hours will be met with death
any missiles on our tag will be met with death
any AB/GS/BR attacks on our tag will be met with death
any harmful spy ops on our tag will be met with death
declaring war on any country in our tag will be met with death [edit: declaring war and then grabbing that country]
Likewise, if any NA country does one of the above 5 things on your tag, it can be killed.
All killing/retalling must be done within 72 hours. If the country has not been killed or retalled in 72 hours from the initial hits, then the retal/killing period is forfeited. This time period is extended indefinitely if the country in question enters vacation mode in the 48-72 hour window after their initial attacks.
Netters Anonymous President