


Jul 28th 2015, 19:38:50

More pity party... also, you knew we would be hitting you a week in advance of us actually doing it as evidenced by your AT rant.

Originally posted by BladeEWG:
Originally posted by WArriOR:
Blade, you not be ready for war is all on your poor leadership. You were posting on AT 7 days before we FSEd asking for a fight and when we were going to attack.

Not being ready is on you.

Were we as ready as we should have been? Of course not
Should we have FS you again when you started playing games? Probably, even knowing you'd call in help. We should have done it anyhow.
And according to you and SheWell we will play again next set.
Guess we will do better knowing you will be attacking us again.

Edited By: ssewellusmc on Jul 28th 2015, 19:41:32
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