
Souly Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 12:10:06

Originally posted by tellarion:
I've said it before and I'll say it again: It's pretty sad to see people completely ignore Alin's points by just attacking his language ability. The fact that he's even this coherent in his THIRD language is pretty remarkable. Yeah, sometimes it's hard to understand him, but more often than not, he makes decent points that people totally write off with 'lrn2speel' bullfluff.

Ok to clarify some things:
1'st this comment

Originally posted by Souly:
this thread is not as interesting as you think you little attention-whore you, just my 2 cents on it :)

was meant as a joke which Alin misunderstood and took quite personally and got aggressive about, which is not cool considering he started this thread with jokes about other threads :P

2'nd i was just trolling him so no need to call me dumb out of nowhere.

Originally posted by Alin:

P.s: this thread is meant to convince the "powerful" folks to allow other threads that are interesting.

3'rd if you just want to convince the "powerful" folks to change the rules about posting on the forums make a post in the Suggestion boards where it belongs not in the Alliance Talk boards where it looks like you are just looking for attention cos' you got nothing better to do hence the attention-whore joke which you didn't get :)

4'th Tella i didn't tell Alin to "lrn2spell" because i had no arguments for him calling me dumb (it was not necessary to bring arguments to that because as you all know when a guy that gets aggressively stupid doesn't get a joke or has no other comeback line he starts insulting people) i told him to do that as a suggestion so other folk like me understand him, i'm also Romanian and it bloody hurts my eyes when i see posts like these

Originally posted by Alin:
is not always the case. but whatever.

I saw threads closed becouse of one guy who went fluffed. Just delete those posts and give the guy 1 hour ban. It will settle the deal and not kill what others will find an interesting threa.

it hurts my eyes, i went through school and 1 of the most important things you can do is learn how to f***g spell in any language you speak especially when you have a correction red line (or whatever the hell that is) it's the same problem with all the illiterate fluffs in Romania which changed the language so they can have the impression they know to write, you don't respect the spelling and grammar in 1 language you don't respect it in any language. Also there are many times when because of his spelling and grammar Alin doesn't get his point across, let's take into consideration that this game is not played only by native English speaking people Alin so if your spelling and grammar are ok it's easier for them to understand you.

5'th i don't disagree with Alin's points, they are valid and a 10-24 hours ban on the user that used a racial remark plus the dellition of his post would be fine by me, only i think this is a problem for all boards not just AT so this thread doesn't belong here.

6'th All of you posting should take into consideration that the Earth game is almost 20 years old and played by people that mostly know each other so name calling and little bit offensive jokes are bound to take place, there is no need to get offended and be aggressive about it :)

Just my 2-3-4...6 cents about the matter :P

P.S: Also Alin due to your bad spelling and bad grammar and not getting your ideas through to folks some of them say: Alin's stupid, Alin's Romanian (they haven't met many Romanians so they generalize after the ones they do meet, but that's ok we all do that at 1 point or another), then they meet me Souly and ask where i'm from and i say Romania and here start the comments: Romanians are stupid, they gave us ppl like Alin which kind of bothers me so please get it through your head that when you post a lot on a forum and act and write like a "badass" and you do post a lot you make all of us look bad you dumb little fluff!

P.S 2: There i said all on my mind now i expect some valid argument's from you!

Edited By: Souly on Dec 15th 2014, 12:12:24
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