
FailDiegoFail Game profile


Oct 1st 2014, 16:22:55

Hello members of the Earth Empires Alliance community,

As everyone knows, for the past few sets wars between the two major sides have been starting earlier and earlier, approaching a truly OOP war. This set, the war started on day 8, meaning only about 5 days of growth for the alliances involved. The war was quickly decided within less than two weeks, though it still continues. Being at war for about 5 weeks when either you mostly cannot hit down to or hope to lemming targets (depending on which side you're on) is definitely not what the war experience should be like in EE. We all know that later set wars are more fun and more strategic (rather than relying on your members to run a decent C/I for less than a week), but preventing this is a sense of paranoia that has overtaken most if not all of the major alliances. To combat this, and better the game in the process, the leaders of many alliances came together (including Rage, SoL, SoF, LaF, MD, PDM, Evo, Omega, LCN, and Rival) via a skype conversation and over the course of a couple weeks we have formed a resolution to stop early wars for at least the next two sets. Understanding that there is a time and a place for an early war, the conclusion reached was that it is best to put a hold on all of it for two sets at minimum. The terms are as follows:


This resolution is enforcable by every signed member against all alliances in game, regardless of signing.

This resolution overrides any and ALL pacting in place without exceptions.

Extreme acts of war (which include kill runs, cripple runs, harmful spy ops and missile runs) may not occur prior to the beginning of the 29th day of the set. Stray accidental hits are tolerated and recurring infractions will be dealt with harshly.

Countries/tags that participate in EAoWs will be killed by any or all of the alliances that have signed this pact. Participation from all tags signed is expected as it is in place to protect everyone.

The signed parties understand that breaking this pact will nullify ALL other pacts signed, including FDP, LDP and uNAPs.

-EAoW definition:

--10+ special attacks (non-missile) made, by 2+ countries, against any country within 24 hours

--10+ harmful spyops made by at least one country against any single country within 24 hours

--5+ landgrabs by any country on a single tag within 48 hours*

--5+ landgrabs by any tag on a single country within 48 hours*

--5+ missile attacks made, by 2 countries, against any country within 24 hours

* - mutual landtrading and retals are exempt from this definition

-If a set of attacks does not meet EAoW thresholds, then the matter will only be decided between the offender's alliance and the defender's alliance.

-If a set of attacks does meet an EAoW threshold but the parties are able to resolve the situation independently, this pact need not be invoked.

--In the case the offending alliance wishes to resolve the issue independently, as long as a fair offer is made in a timely manner, this resolution may not be invoked.

--Definition of a fair offer:

---Offending alliance detags and kills the suicider ASAP

---Offending alliance makes an offer within 48 hours, to pay fair reps by the formula below to the victim, and payment must take no more than 96 hours unless the victim allows for an extended window.

----Reps in terms of tanks. Accepted rates for reps are as follows: 300tpa first month. 1 tank=3 jets/turrets = 4 troops = $550. Reps for tech points lost will be $3300 per tech point in the first month.

-----If a special attack (other than NM, which is calculated as above) is used and reps are owed, then $60,000 per building is owed in the first month. Military lost will be returned with 10% extra. Stock lost will be returned with 10% extra as well.

-If a country or alliance commits an Extreme Act of War against another and there is no independent resolution, the offending alliance, as a result of this resolution, automatically declares war on all signatories of this resolution.

-If a signatory of this resolution believes a country or spam tag (definition below) is going to suicide on their or another alliance, they are allowed to declare their suspicion on AT up to 24 hours after a pre-emptive EAoW against the suspected suicider. If the suicider initiates hostilities, there is no need for such a declaration as the suicider, by attacking, would have violated the terms of this resolution.

-Definition of a spam tag:

--Any alliance without formal relations to another alliance in the game

--Any tag under 10 members by day 7 that has not played the previous set

--Excludes SoF, SoL, MD, LaF, RAGE, Evo, PDM, DK, TPA, ICN, LCN, Omega, MONSTERS, RIVAL, DANGER.

After signing, this resolution is active for two sets until the end of the Dec14-Jan15 set.


Short version: This pact prevents all early wars on the Alliance server for the next two sets. The only early war that should occur is when one alliance declares war on another (or at least commits an extreme act of war), all signatories of the pact declare war on the aggressor. This does not include suiciders and untagged landfarms.

List of pact signatures:

RAGE - Signed - FDF - 9/29 - Skype
SoL - Signed - CC - 9/30 - Skype
SoF - Signed - Aponic - 9/30 - Skype
Evo - signed - tellarion - 9/30 - Skype
MD - signed - tav - 9/30 - Skype
LaF - signed - ingle - 9/30 - Skype
Omega - signed - tulosba - 10/1 - Skype
PDM - Signed - AusPiggy - 10/1 - Skype
ICN - signed - Nole - 10/1 - Skype
LCN - signed - Scribble - 10/1 - Skype
RIVAL - signed - Heinrich - 10/1 - Skype
TPA - signed - PaoLo - 10/1 - Skype
DK - signed - bstrong - 11/3 - Skype

Lastly I'd like to thank Colonel Chaos for writing the basis of the pact; he basically got the ball rolling on working out the actual details of what we were all going to agree to. Of course I'd also like to thank the representatives of Evo (Tellarion), LaF (Ingle), LCN (Scribble), Rival (Heinrich), PDM (AusPiggy), SoL (Mdevol, Colonel Chaos, Makinso), SoF (aponic, WArriOR), TPA (PaoLo), MD (Randy, Tavaren), Omega (Tulosba), as well as Robyn, my companion from Rage.

Hopefully this step will make this server more enjoyable and start to build trust where it has long been absent.

Fail Diego Fail

Edit 11/4: Added DK as a signatory

Edited By: FailDiegoFail on Nov 5th 2014, 1:06:35
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