
DeathRider Game profile


Aug 26th 2010, 13:39:51

72 hour window

Unpacted Country
1 landgrab : 1 retal (1:1)
2 landgrabs : 3 retals (3:2)
3 landgrabs : 5 retals (5:3)
4+ landgrabs : farm/kill

Allied Clans(must contact an FA first before taking retals)
Land:Land / 125% or 150% retals are used on all pacts unless the pact details are escalating retals, in which case, the following list is used.
1 attack : 2 retals (2:1)
2 attacks : 4 retals (4:2)
3 landgrabs : 6 retals (6:3)
4+ landgrabs : negotiated by FA's

Harmful Attacks / Harmful Spy Ops Retal Policy
1 attack : 2 retals (2:1)
2 attacks : 4 retals (4:2)
3+ attacks : Farm/Kill

**The above can be substituted for Land:Land if approved by the FA department.

~~~The Neofederation

Edited By: DeathRider on Aug 26th 2010, 13:42:30
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