
Xinhuan Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 2:24:59

A Dictator's 25% military strength means you have the same army size with 20% less units. That is, if a Monarchy country has 125 turrets, you have the same defense if you only have 100 turrets (25/125 = 20% less units).

This doesn't seem like much, until you figure out that this means you actually need 20% less units to do anything compared to another government. You need 20% less turrets, you need 20% less jets to make a successful attack. You use 20% less oil for these attacks, and you use 20% less military expenses every turn. Now only that, your Networth is typically ~10% lower (since not all your NW comes from your military), allowing you to grab targets that are of even lower NW sitting at the edge of the 1/12 NW range on Express. A very common problem in Primary and Express is "running out of targets to hit" while trying to avoid hitting anyone more than once, so this extends your attackable range quite a bit downwards.

Since you also get a spy bonus, you also need to build less Industrial buildings to generate spies (since you need less spies for the same effectiveness) if you are not playing a Indy strategy, allowing you to devote a larger portion of your land to actual production buildings (farms or ent/res) for your strategy.

The ghost acres bonus gives you more pre-constructed buildings when you attack, which means you need to build less buildings (if you grab a country of the same strategy type as you).

The bonus is much stronger than you think, but the strength of it is balanced by having a 30% BPT penalty - you need more turns to build - which makes the Dictator extremely unsuitable for the Techer strategy. The penalty is THAT big because the 25% military strength is THAT good.