
mrford Game profile


Jun 10th 2014, 20:15:46

Because commie is only good in short sets like here on express.

Eventually a commie will outgrow it's economy unless you can sale every 4 hours on the dot and even then it is rough. Express is the only server commie can sale such a large percent of its goods, because of the fast paced nature of the server. I coyld be wrong on that point. It is also rough to have negative income, food, and having to buy your tech. You also dont have a tyrannies readiness turns to build to expand your economy. Basically the only option for a commie is indy, and that is limiting, and not so good in a war that starts after say week 4 of an alliance of FFA set.

A dict is a far better breaker with its military strength bonus, and you can vary your strat between techer, farmer, and casher depending on the timing of the war and the server enviromant, although a dict techer is kinda like a tyr casher. Just weird. only real drawback is that it doesn't have readiness turns like a tyr, and if you AB a dict it is fluffed and a half unless it has mass stock.

Tyranny the best all around war strat because you can tech, farm, or cash if you are brave. You have 25 readiness turns to do whatever with every 19 hits, and the returns on attacks are better.

Basically, if you want to be an early war breaker or spy, Co commie. Otherwise dont.

None of this applies to express really because there are no real organized wars. Commie is not a viable netting strategy on long alliance servers. Infact, I'm pretty sure express is the only server people stay commie all set long and finish well on a regular basis.

You seem to be a smart person, and your logic isn't that bad, but the scope of your inflation is limited, and that 8 throwing you off.

Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford