
Naked_Man Game profile


Apr 15th 2014, 15:56:49

I'm logging in to my country 15 minutes a day and playing turns. I'm noticing top 10 countries doing 8-9 spy ops before they hit me. I'm going to throw this out there - anyone attempting more than 4 ops without a "hit" will result in repercussions. So be it.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 15th 2014, 16:01:52

Spy ops that aren't harmful should be regarded as "I'm too landfat" that's all.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Xinhuan Game profile


Apr 15th 2014, 16:08:45

I would like to explain that this game has 2 types of spy ops:

Harmless spy ops:
These do not actually harm your country in any manner, and include
- Normal Spy
- Military Spy
- Market Spy
- Ally Spy
They do not harm your country in any manner, you do not lose a single turn, money, unit or anything. These ops are also known as "informational ops". Using such informational spyops on countries do not break your GDI status, even if you do so multiple times on the same country.

Harmful spyops:
Pretty much every other spy op, and they steal something/destroy something from your country. Doing 2 or more harmful ops (and/or with attacks) on a country will break your protection GDI status with respect to that country. Currently, only the Steal Food and Steal Money harmful spy ops are not protected by GDI on solo servers. That is, you cannot perform harmful spyops on countries in GDI other than those 2, unless they have broken GDI status on you (by attacking you in any manner 2 or more times).

Non-harmful spyops are widely considered benign in nature by most players, and most players ignore these - in fact, on clan servers, practically every clan has policies that make it such that non-harmful ops cannot result in any repercussions.

That's not to say that you can't enforce your own "4 failed ops" policy. It is just to explain the "WHY are people doing so many ops on me" thing.

Sometimes, it is to attack your Defense Ally, so they want to know your turret count, which in turn allows them to make an exact calculation of the minimum jets to send to attack your D-ally and still be successful, hence spying you, but not attacking you. Other times, people spy to look for a potential target to attack, and get scared off by what they see in the spy op, and choose not to attack (or use said information to attack right after).

To recap, being on the receiving end of 8-9 spyops is widely considered benign. Take this knowledge for what you will.

Note also that SUCCESSFUL informational (harmless) spy ops on you are not reported to you, any number of countries might have spied on you for information successfully, and you will never know about it. A country might have spied on you 8 times, and stopped trying. Or he might have spied the 9th try and was successful on that try. You won't ever know if he did the 9th op.

So to answer your question, for me (I do not speak for anyone else), any number of harmless spyops is acceptable, but 2 or more harmful spyops is not-acceptable. Repercussions for 2 or more harmful spy-ops will vary based on market, risk, war-preparedness, chance of still finishing in t5 or t10, and many other factors and can range from "nothing" to "all out war".

Edited By: Xinhuan on Apr 15th 2014, 16:25:51
See Original Post


EE Patron

Apr 15th 2014, 16:44:11

Originally posted by Naked_Man:
I'm logging in to my country 15 minutes a day and playing turns. I'm noticing top 10 countries doing 8-9 spy ops before they hit me. I'm going to throw this out there - anyone attempting more than 4 ops without a "hit" will result in repercussions. So be it.
Attempting more than 4 ops and then hitting you is okay though?
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

h2orich Game profile


Apr 15th 2014, 16:57:02


hsifreta Game profile


Apr 15th 2014, 19:11:58

No. Don't let them fool you. These are probably the same people that are spying you. You should not allow them this advantage over you, if you let them get away with it, they will walk all over you.

Any form of spy ops show that they intend to cause your country harm. You should get at least 4% Warfare tech, and fire a few warning shots at them, and message them to stop spying on you. You don't know when they might strike, but if you let them go with this, you will come to regret it.

Usually a message like "This is a warning shot. If you continue spying on me, I will consider it a declaration of war and will be forced to retaliate." will stop them from progressing further, and they'll know that you're not a newb and you know what you're doing.

hsifreta Game profile


Apr 15th 2014, 19:13:13

You should also post your number here so that people will know that you mean business, and won't try to spy on you. It's one way to ward off attacks.

Xinhuan Game profile


Apr 15th 2014, 20:29:41

Hahaha @hsifreta.

Key points hsifreta's suggestions that make no sense:

1. You cannot fire missiles at people in GDI, even if they failed 10 non-harmful spy ops on you. 4% warfare tech just means you won't get double-tapped, since it is effective deterrent for a second attack (people don't want to break GDI protection). If you haven't yet looked, only 1 country in the top 35 networth is not in GDI.

2. Sending any messages as suggested by hsifreta show that you are a newb, because unless you can actually break by PS (by having enough jets to do so, or your country shows the potential in amassing this amount of jets within a few days), you can't retaliate non-harmful spy ops in any other meaningful way towards a country in GDI protection. But if you have enough jets to retaliate, top countries will in most likelihood not consider attacking you to begin with, so sending such a message is unnecessary. Quite the contrary, a friendly message, asking for advice on how to be a better player, will more than likely make you friends, potential future allies in a future reset, and the likelihood you won't get attacked by him.

3. Spying a country doesn't imply at all any intention to cause harm. I spy on more countries and not attack them, than spying on countries to attack them. This is typically because I spy countries allied to the actual country I want to attack, and most countries have 2 D-allies, I typically spend an equal amount of turns, if not more turns, spying on a target's allies than the actual target I want to landgrab. Sometimes, I spy on a top country to see how they build their country, their tech points allocations, and to compare/contrast their progress vs my own. Sometimes, a target is so difficult to spy, I just don't spy it at all, and instead, spy on a country that has just attacked it to see its military brigade size sent in that attack, estimate the original size of the brigade sent, and send the same amount (adjusted for tech% and any NW movements on the target). And sometimes, I spy on a target that I have attacked before just to ascertain risk of being retalled, with zero intention to attack again. Usually, such a target would not even know I spied.

4. Posting your number in public might backfire, and cause more attention to your country by attaching a forum personality to it. Based on past attack news, attack behavior, past history of successful/failed retals, percentage of failed attacks, warring history, and forum personality, etc, it may or may not provide more incentive people to attack further.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Apr 15th 2014, 20:33:12
See Original Post

LATC Game profile


Apr 15th 2014, 20:35:34

Originally posted by Xinhuan:

1. You cannot fire missiles at people in GDI, even if they failed 10 non-harmful spy ops on you. 4% warfare tech just means you won't get double-tapped, since it is effective deterrent for a second attack (people don't want to break GDI protection). If you haven't yet looked, only 1 country in the top 35 networth is not in GDI.

#92 is never in GDI but he loves getting missiles. Make sure to always missile that country.
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

hsifreta Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 6:16:44

Xinhuan, i can't find the differences between your pre- and post- edit.

1. Yes, any amount of warfare tech will deter people from hitting. 4% just means you mean business and will have 30 missiles to fire if anyone dares to trespass. And yes, spies are trespassing. Regardless of their intent on attacking you or your ally, if they take one look at your country and you send them a warning, they will tread ever so lightly.

2. Posting your number will get your warning out VERY CLEARLY. Also useful if you keep the same country name, that way, they will learn to ph33r you. Which is what you want, to be the Top Dawg here.

3. Sending a friendly message asking for advice? That pings you as newb and future fish food. These guys need to be taught a lesson, they spy you and they hit you, and if you let them get away with it, they will remember you and how you play, and they will try to find you again next set, and the set after that, and after that.

4. Don't be one of those people that bullied every set. Don't be a door mat!

hsifreta Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 6:28:24

Just think for a moment, and ask yourself this:

Did these people that spy and hit you all this time, did they send you friendly messages? Or have they been walking all over you?

That should tell you all you need to know and who's advice you should take. There are people that will do anything just to mislead you and turn you into future obedient, uncomplaining fish food/farmland/prey.

Primary is a SOLO server. It means, don't just go trusting anyone. Be critical and think of who is giving good advice, and who isn't. Be skeptical.


EE Patron

Apr 16th 2014, 14:22:58

LOL @ hrfiesta
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

LATC Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 15:23:46

man I can't tell if hrfiesta is being serious or not haha
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

hsifreta Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 15:46:19

Originally posted by LATC:
man I can't tell if hrfiesta is being serious or not haha

I will remind you to read your own signature.

Naked_Man Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 15:58:03

LOL - I'm definitely not a newbie. Just striking up conversation. Let me clarify - "you are costing me lost spies" whether or not you get through. This takes away from my networth and damages my country. If you think you are all that - continue to do what you are doing. But do not get mad when the missiles rain on your parade.

If anyone knows me here - and probably not (I played alliance for many, many years) - I would rather wreck your country than improve my own. It's just my assassin intuition. Go SoF!!!!

Azz Kikr Game profile

Wiki Mod

Apr 16th 2014, 16:09:33

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that the only way you lose spies on the defending end is if the guy uses the attack intelligence centers spy op ...

hsifreta Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 16:10:20

I blame you, Azz Kikr. Go update the Wiki.

And I've actually heard of this guy before, he's one of the war machines over at SoF. So don't mess with him, he knows his stuff. But since he hasn't posted a country number yet, there'll be a lot of unsuspecting victims.

You have to post your number, Naked Man. Or people will spy you without knowing it's you.

Edited By: hsifreta on Apr 16th 2014, 16:12:33
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 16:13:31

Originally posted by hsifreta:
Xinhuan, i can't find the differences between your pre- and post- edit.

Because most of my edits are usually 1-2 word changes to fix grammar and spelling. Sometimes I add 1-2 lines.

Toran Republic Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 16:28:03

I don't believe you lose spies if someone does a nonharmful spyop regardless if it is successful or not. Do you lose spies if your intel ally fails a spyop similar to a defense ally?


EE Patron

Apr 16th 2014, 16:28:48

Originally posted by Naked_Man:
LOL - I'm definitely not a newbie. Just striking up conversation. Let me clarify - "you are costing me lost spies" whether or not you get through. This takes away from my networth and damages my country. If you think you are all that - continue to do what you are doing. But do not get mad when the missiles rain on your parade.

If anyone knows me here - and probably not (I played alliance for many, many years) - I would rather wreck your country than improve my own. It's just my assassin intuition. Go SoF!!!!
They are losing spies... not you...
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Naked_Man Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 16:43:18

hsifreta - Naked is referenced in my country. And I am the "Naked One" from SoF. I'm not giving my country number - I'll just mess up those that mess with me - and I'm sitting back waiting for them. :) And yes - you lose spies everytime someone does a spy op on you. You might also receive a missile from here on out (or 2 or 3 or 4, etc).


EE Patron

Apr 16th 2014, 16:46:44

n-..n-..uhh... nooo?
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

LATC Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 16:49:13

lol wtf

1. You don't lose spies when someone spies on you
2. You can't missile them if they just spied on your country.. or even if they attacked just once.. if they're in GDI.
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

Xinhuan Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 16:57:57

As mentioned earlier, non-harmful spy ops are completely non-harmful. You do not lose any spies, whether someone else fails or succeeds. Read my initial reply again, non-harmful ops do not break GDI. You cannot use missiles on anyone in GDI even if they failed 100 non-harmful spyops on you.

The only way you can lose spies is by either

1. Selling them to your private market.
2. Spying someone else and failing. Note only you lose spies, the target will NEVER lose any spies, UNLESS the harmful spyop "Assassinate Intelligence Centers" is used. This is considered the most worthless harmful spy op in the game too.
3. You switch governments from a non-Monarchy, incurring a % loss to everything in your country (including spies) except your total land amount and any placed on the market.
4. You run out of food or money, and a portion of your military leaves your country (including spies).
5. Someone runs "Assassinate Intelligence Centers" harmful op on you.

Are you sure you are in SoF, Naked One? This is basic knowledge that any warring country should know, and about warring in general, and of how SPAL works, and why "Assassinate Intelligence Centers" is worthless. Do you know what "Demoralize" does, the formulas behind it and what it does exactly?

Edited By: Xinhuan on Apr 16th 2014, 17:02:14
See Original Post

Naked_Man Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 17:03:22

You are correct - We do not lose spies when someone spies on us -just verified.
I'll do whatever it takes wreak havoc on their country whether it means dropping networth or increasing it.

Xinhuan Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 17:04:22

Ok! :)

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

Azz Kikr Game profile

Wiki Mod

Apr 16th 2014, 17:16:04

you're limited on wreaking havoc if all they're doing is spy ops
have fun wreaking SS/PS havoc i guess? although if they're bouncing spy ops maybe you can op them back ...

LATC Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 17:34:10

op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 16th 2014, 17:37:12

Originally posted by LATC:
op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!


EE Patron

Apr 16th 2014, 23:18:36

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by LATC:
op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op op

op <--- missed an op

LATC Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 23:36:06

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

Viceroy Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 23:36:30

And, Monsters, do not forget to specify, when time and place shall serve, that I am an ass.

LATC Game profile


Apr 16th 2014, 23:40:17

I can't believe I just watched that whole clip.
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Are you guys stupid or what?

hsifreta Game profile


Apr 17th 2014, 0:20:03

why? it's a good clip

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 17th 2014, 2:22:06

Excellent Viceroy! And I'll have you know that Terry Spam Jones was head boy of my school in England.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 17th 2014, 2:27:28

SPAM SPAM SPAM!!!!!!!!!! LOL! brilliantly done :-)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

crest23 Game profile


Apr 17th 2014, 3:49:18

Originally posted by Naked_Man:
LOL - I'm definitely not a newbie. Just striking up conversation. Let me clarify - "you are costing me lost spies" whether or not you get through. This takes away from my networth and damages my country. If you think you are all that - continue to do what you are doing. But do not get mad when the missiles rain on your parade.

If anyone knows me here - and probably not (I played alliance for many, many years) - I would rather wreck your country than improve my own. It's just my assassin intuition. Go SoF!!!!

You might not be a newbie, but from this statement, you are definitely a n00b. It's good to know you are a fine SoF specimen though, they teach you very well there.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

crest23 Game profile


Apr 17th 2014, 3:56:15

Originally posted by Naked_Man:
hsifreta - Naked is referenced in my country. And I am the "Naked One" from SoF. I'm not giving my country number - I'll just mess up those that mess with me - and I'm sitting back waiting for them. :) And yes - you lose spies everytime someone does a spy op on you. You might also receive a missile from here on out (or 2 or 3 or 4, etc).

No need to give out your country number, there's only one country with Naked in it and so far, everyone has broken through. Makes me wonder why I haven't hit you yet, though I might come along and be the 1st DH :(
The Nigerian Nightmare.

h2orich Game profile


Apr 17th 2014, 5:28:20

someone must have been attacking his intelligence centres.

hsifreta Game profile


Apr 17th 2014, 5:38:34

lol crest. awesome find. =P

Naked_Man Game profile


Apr 17th 2014, 15:51:42

Crest - you're more than welcome to roll the dice. You have my country number. Let's see what happens. Maybe I'm no good at war - one way to find out. Like you said - I sound like a newbie, let's see if I play like one.

crest23 Game profile


Apr 17th 2014, 17:14:16

Oh, I'm coming (that's what she said!), you can rest assured I'm coming (phrasing!). Also, you are not a newbie, but a n00b. Very different.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 17th 2014, 17:56:34

He doesn't have the land to make it worthwhile :-/
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 17th 2014, 20:48:22

You lose spies anytime someone spys you. I'd land grab them for failing ops on you...

This is America and I wont stand for that.
- Premium Patron Member

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 18th 2014, 0:09:59

Quite right, only the NSA, Microsoft, Apple, Google and Facebook should be allowed to spy on you

hsifreta Game profile


Apr 18th 2014, 4:30:54

and we all use these platforms, so we can all do it without fearing landgrabs =P

hsifreta Game profile


Apr 18th 2014, 4:31:18

Originally posted by Requiem:
You lose spies anytime someone spys you. I'd land grab them for failing ops on you...

This is America and I wont stand for that.

i thought you dont LG =P

Naked_Man Game profile


Apr 19th 2014, 4:27:30

This set is almost over - I'm waiting (and preparing). :) I will give you this - I spent 10 minutes everyday on here (that's it). No time to netgain, just play turns. I agree I have no land - but land isn't all you get when you attack. Come see what I have. ;)

Naked_Man Game profile


Apr 19th 2014, 4:58:27

hsifreta said "And I've actually heard of this guy before, he's one of the war machines over at SoF. So don't mess with him, he knows his stuff."

I didn't say this. Someone else did. And for the record - I'm not with SoF and haven't been for years (on a layoff). But I was the leader of the TAss division (Assassins division) for many years and spent about 10 yrs with SoF off and on. Just clearing that up.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 19th 2014, 15:21:37

Naked_Man do work son do work!
- Premium Patron Member