
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Aug 20th 2010, 16:26:46

Originally posted by dagga:
Pretty simple policy?

Summary for idiots/Pang:

Don't multi tap our countries.
Don't think you can grap multiple countries.

Simple and reasonable. Two things LaF policies lack.

I don't know why you're being an idiot, dagga...

1) a single LaF country never hit more than 1 SoL player per 24h
2) multiple LaF countries never hit the same player. No SoL country has been hit more than once all set by LaF, to my knowledge, which seems to be SIGNIFICANTLY more knowledge than the sum of SoL's knowledge at this point.

none of these terms apply to ANY of the hits, so why you post this and claim is relevant is beyond me. It's like if I posted a new LaF policy that says "all 4-taps will be retalled with 28 retals!" but you only single tapped me.... It's all fine and good, but keep in mind that it's not actually relevant to ingame issues :p

look at the hits on SoL, now look at Maki's post... no terms were violated, should be 1:1 on each hit by the policies you have posted/have on your site.

Learn to read, re-learn to troll, and TRY to learn to be a nice person, because you are just piece of fluff right now for the attitude you bring to every single one of you posts, whether it's about me or not.

Did your girlfriend leave you for your best friend or something? Are you in some kind of shame spiral? Do you have underlying depression issues? Is there something we should be doing to help you as a community? you seem like a tortured soul, based on the negative attitude you bring to these forums. This isn't just in regard to me, it's an attitude that has gotten progressively more grumpy and hateful over the years.

I worry for you, dagga, because you do not seem like a happy human being. I haven't seen you dance or spin in years... just push the hate :p

Edited By: Pang on Aug 20th 2010, 19:37:09
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