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Mar 6th 2014, 2:41:25

The US, in general, has no moral high ground after Iraq. Obama, Kerry, McCain, whoever speaks on the subject will still have that weight around their neck...

There's a really interesting documentary on US/Russian relations in the post-soviet era that I watched a year or two ago and it reveals a lot about the US/Russia relationship since then. Namely, America talking down to Russia on many issues (esp. security issues) while wanting Russia to blindly support US military (mis)adventures around the world, especially post-9/11 (ex. overflight and transportation network assistance into Afghanistan via Russia and other former Soviet republics). Meanwhile, NATO was coddling up with Russia's former allies & generally their "buffer" between historically aggressive European nations. Think about it. France, France+UK, Germany+Austria-Hungary, Triple Entente victors, Germany+Italy... all invaded Russia since 1800. There's always lots of distrust between Russia and the West so it's clear to see why Ukraine pivoting toward the EU causes issues. IMO ensuring they keep their strategically critical base at Sevastapol is well worth the consequences to Russia for essentially annexing it.

All that being said, Obama is definitely a better elected leader than Putin. But Putin is a much better authoritarian, which is why he's able to "get more done".

Edited By: Pang on Mar 6th 2014, 2:45:32
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