

EE Patron

Mar 1st 2014, 18:39:41

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by elvesrus:
Originally posted by braden:
now, if i'm a baker, i bake wedding cakes, or i'm a photographer and i take wedding pictures.. you ask me to bake a cake or pictures to take, at your same sex marriage.. i by hate crime laws am obligated to accept your offer of employment? why am i not allowed to say, no thank you, i do not wish to enter into your employ?

because this

and this

Interesting lesson in that first one...

The argument that someone acting in such a prejudice manner toward a protected class is "only hurting themselves" and "their business will fail". To that I reply:

In other words, such bias is so alive and well today that it can actually improve your business. Just as refusing to allow blacks to enter your premise in the south used to attract more business from like-minded whites.

Incidentally, both of those cases are still working their way through the legal process (appeals) and are not yet fully resolved.

It is great that we're sorting through this. It will take time. But anyone who chooses to ignore how an individual decision is related to a societal construct is being willfully ignorant. Racism in the South isn't about a single person's exercise of belief, it is about the resulting systematic inequality in society that results from the aggregate of those individual actions. You cannot agree with eliminating racism yet at the same time argue that every individual's racist actions must be protected. It doesn't work.
Nice post. I also wonder why a person's right to act with prejudice based on race/creed/origin is something supertodd thinks is a valuable right somehow in the first place. such a blindly dogmatic ideologue position, protecting something of no redeeming value and with great potential for systemic harm based on stringent adherence to "principle." some people seriously need to re-approach their beliefs

Edited By: blid on Mar 1st 2014, 18:42:21
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Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.