
Trife Game profile


Feb 27th 2014, 16:19:57

Originally posted by blid:
meanwhile that law gets passed in their own country

you know how i know that you don't know what you're talking about?

probably not, but i'll tell you. the aforementioned law wasn't passed, but rather vetoed. (edit: wow, actually the bill was passed a week ago. it was just veto'ed recently. seems like i don't know what i'm talking about! anywhos, it was veto'ed less than 10 days after it was passed. how long has it been since pootypoot land passed their homophobic laws? also, their laws were passed for the whole nation, while we only have several states that are acting retarded.)

herp derp, also, gay marrage was first legalized in massachusetts 10 years ago (well, ~9 years 10 months). does a decade equal 'the last few years' where you live?

Edited By: Trife on Feb 27th 2014, 16:25:38. Reason: i was le wrong
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