

EE Patron

Jan 26th 2014, 19:05:38

It amazes me the players who think it's okay to topfeed, but if the victim of the topfeed hits back more than once, it's "crossing the line." I've told people hey, you started this by attacking me, I'm just getting my land back, and they still sometimes throw a fit saying it's never okay to hit more than once or some such nonsense. Of course you risk a war when you hit back more than once (as they risk being hit back more than once when they topfeed) but it's just funny to me when the topfeeder is acting all shocked and violated.

On the other hand, I've convinced someone that getting back my land was fair and he let it go. And I think I've convinced some people that topfeeding can be just a fluffty thing to do.

I usually hit back more than once because I've played so many times now that I care more about not taking crap from people than I do about my country. Usually anyway.

But avoiding topfeeders and CROATIA is part of the minefield you've gotta navigate in this game. Not everyone is good/smart annoying as it is, and I've had a couple rounds taken down by people that just grab me because I have the most land on their scores page.

Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.