

EE Patron

Jan 24th 2014, 16:49:19

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by afaik:
More efficient to sell max mil of all types at every sale point, unless circumstances dictate otherwise.

You can control what your "max mil of all types" is by changing your production. If at the start of your turns, you tweak your production such that you only produce just enough jets for all your PS needs, then your "max jets to sell" is 0.

Right after grabbing, switching it to all turrets production, and then building your stuff, cashing, etc, you would both maximize your defenses for the day, and your "max turrets to sell" is still the same number of units than if you split it 50/50 to jets and turrets.

Granted, this isn't profit maximizing since jets do tend to be higher priced than turrets (and that turrets cost more to upkeep than jets) - but I would assume this is what h2o meant. Sacrifice a little bit of income, but log out with a higher defense, and make it harder to get topfed.
I don't know what you're talking about... if you're limited to selling 33% of a type of good and sell turrets only, you can't sell as much quantity as you could selling jets/turrets both.

ex: You have 2m jets/2m turrets, and send all the jets out on PS. You can make 500k more units let's say in your remaining turns. If you made those as jets, you could sell all 500k of them. (500k/2.5m < .33) You could also still sell 660k turrets (660k/2m = .33). Total sales = 500k jets + 660k turrets = 1,160k units. If you don't make jets and go 100% turrets, you have no jets at home to sell. Your turret count increases from 2m to 2.5m, and 33% of 2.5m = 825k. So you can sell vastly more units if you are willing to sell jets. 1160k vs 825k is 40% more.

it's the same only if you "need" the extra 335k turrets you'd hold in the turret scenario. but no "correct" amount of defense really exists... i guess one could say then why did you have those extra turrets in the first place, if you were gonna sell them...

Edited By: blid on Jan 24th 2014, 17:00:53
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Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.