
Son Goku Game profile


Jan 16th 2014, 17:01:00

Most of you still don't get it.

It has nothing to do with grabbing untaggeds. It has to do with the new restarts changes making it almost impossible to do anything to a suicider of average intelligence (most of the people saying "good" or "get more defense" obviously don't qualify). All of LaF is accustomed to suiciders, it's part of being one of the biggest and best alliances, we have no shortage of enemies. However, there's always been a way to deal with it. Over the past few years we've extensively followed restarts and untagged countries and killed anything with the potential to suicide, it worked quite well. Those days are long gone as the suicider can now just restart with 75%+ of his original country and proceed to do the same over and over. Any intelligent suicider can hide his assets on the market and take minimal stock loss, so he'll be in a great position to do the same thing in another 48hrs or less.

Since I've come back in late 2009, this is hands down the most damage suiciders have been able to do, thanks to the new changes. In fact, you could probably add up all the damage done from 2009-2013 and it wouldn't come close to what has happened to LaF this reset. Most of you won't care because it's LaF, but you have to look at the bigger picture here. Every alliance has enemies, every single one of them. You're full of fluff if you think otherwise, meaning it's just a matter of time before this happens to your alliance or your friends. Most of the griefers in the current game have distanced themselves from alliances, so this means little to them at this point. However, you will care when your alliance starts losing players or your friends start quitting because they've lost 1-2 months of hard work in 20 seconds to some butthurt player. Some of you might even say "good" and hope it leads to more people quitting, as there's a decent amount of extremely angsty players (see: Nukevil above) who failed in some or multiple aspects of this game and wish harm on the remaining players who succeeded. Most of these suiciders aren't even new, they've been trying to do this for years now, so don't try to blame it on politics. The only difference is the game has made changes that greatly enhance your ability to suicide.

I've seen it mentioned multiple times that the dev team is trying to move away from players losing months of work in a matter of minutes, after all isn't that the thought process behind these new restart changes? To lessen the blow of your country dying? It's done the exact opposite to suiciding and it's something a lot of people saw coming. However nothing was done and now we're left with warring changes that those who war hate, and suiciding changes that netters hate. Unfortunately the server will either lose people to these bad changes now, or even worse we've laid the foundation for an alliance server that will see mass suiciding on a scale we haven't seen since the bot days. Either way we all lose, regardless of our political views.

Troll away.