
Alin Game profile


Dec 17th 2013, 11:57:56

Originally posted by oldman:
I'll be happy if tech allies are modified as suggested by Xin. Agree with most of his points as well except for the part about slowing it down. I like how the game is just 5 days long but the support staff needs to be well equipped to mod such a server, else there will still be many unhappy people even with all the proposed changes.

Agree that DR abuse doesn't seem so rampant nowadays from the posts on the forum, though I haven't played this server in forever heh. But it was real bad when I was still playing.

I might actually come back and play once in a while if these the changes were to be implemented.

Oldmand belive me that the DR abusers were little babies compared with the tech sales @ 9k / pice. Or insignifiant tech ( warfare, SDI or military strategy ) being sold @ 3000 / pice, end of the reset, when the other vital tech is <1200 :).