


Nov 6th 2013, 18:17:23

Originally posted by Vic:
lol tbh telly i go back and forth.

i think it would be largely selfish of me to do so, but it would be interesting to see the reaction of AT when they realize information spying is not RD centric and that heads from literally every major alliance are indeed in RD and they certainly take info they hear in RD and bring it home with them.

as for now, secrets are going to stay secret :p

I am confused. You say RD is going to clean up its act, you talk about transparency and yet you insist on keeping secrets. Thats the opposite of transparency.

I am a head in MD, but I was honest with them when I joined as a newbie member so Mr. Orange's reveal of my color didnt harm me in the least. I have absolutely nothing to hide, from MD or RD, or anyone for that matter.

Hell, I didnt even have any access on the RD site anymore except to read posts that were over a year old, so I stopped even logging in there. I gained no information that would either hurt or help MD or anyone.

So go ahead, reveal your secrets and start from a "clean" slate if possible. Otherwise, its still more of the same.

Edited By: Ruthie on Nov 6th 2013, 18:21:35
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