
Duna Game profile


Sep 25th 2013, 5:34:33

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Duna:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by Duna:
Originally posted by Pride:
If MD had taken Rival out this war would be in Sols favor again. FA is one thing taking an entire alliance out of the fight is another.

MD FAed to EVO alot more than LaF killed. And also, even after LaF killed EVO, nw was almost same (about 10% difference, wich means nothing in long war)

And RD(and Laf) have been FAing the bajeesus outta you guys. We're both receiving FA, we both have similar member counts, but you guys had an extra 6k hits and 18 kills from another alliance that we didn't have..

RD & LaF are not even near to MD/PDM/LCN/RAGE (and idk who else FAed you) with all FA you recived.
Plus, similar, but most time SoL&EVO&Monsters has member advantage. Plus, before LaF EVO had 31 tagged. You lost like 10 people after LaF:)
Plus you had extra week hitting with 110 vs 75.

Duna, trying to claim that we got more FA than you guys is ludicrous. PDM has only started aiding(aside from an individual or two) since less than a week ago. MD started out just sending to untagged restarts. Lcn and Rage are tiny and not sending in an organized manner. If you really think that this collection of alliances is sending more than RD/Laf combined, you're dreaming.

As for Evo, we've lost about 5 or so. Had a few go MIA, one detagged himself, a few more just lost interest.

What is really ludicrous is the fact that you refuse to admit it.
Idk about who MD sent to, but we spyed tagged countries and saw them pacted with MD.
LaF FA are very limited to their alliance size. Only few volunteers. And as someone said here, RD not sending us all time like MD, they send only when we need it. Or well, we need less than you.
And well, i would expect it from SoL, but its strange to hear something like it from someone, who understand principles of netting. RIVAL/SoF has nw&land advantage and killing more nw. So, to keep grow with same speed (and nw graphs shows it for like month) you need to get outside help to cover difference in land and killed nw.

Ah, and yes, i absolutely agree with iScode - "Both sides are getting FA, SOF and Rival just know how to use it better and not be killed with it."

Edited By: Duna on Sep 25th 2013, 5:47:31
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