
Xintros Game profile


Jan 4th 2013, 14:55:13

So I go to log in quick like, but there's the Captcha.
I'm on my cell and late for work, don't really have time to figure out the stupid captcha, (its all messy looking craptcha) symbols and I need to refresh it, but I'M LATE FOR WORK! So I "Delay for 8 hours". ( So convenient, user friendly and how thoughtful of the game ) SO YOU THINK!! It's THE TRICK OF DEATH!

Now I'm at work, or back home, plenty of time to figure out the captcha, clean my glasses, refresh a couple of times, but I cannot initiate the captcha. I must wait for it to appear again on its own! >:-( . I need to take a shower or play spin the bottle. It's 7.75 hrs later I MUST PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE FOR THE NEXT HOUR!

I get hit, highlights go off, I am auto texted, my alliance mates are texting me, bells, whistles, horns! Dogs are barking, babies crying, thunder is crashing and my weenis hurts.

I go to log in... and there's the deadly C A P T C H A !!
By the time I type it in, its been an additional 8.275 seconds, I died 4 seconds ago.

Is there a way after delaying the captcha, to initiate it again so as to avoid this? If not, can one be made? Must we wait for the mandatory second captcha if at the most inopportune time?
I do not remember this being a factor back in the day.

Thank You,

Edited By: qzjul on Sep 19th 2013, 4:28:26
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"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a killrrun" - Xintros