
Xintros Game profile


Sep 12th 2013, 13:26:07

Without Utopia, I wouldn't have found Earth 2025.
I was in Utopia, my (Island?) Name was Xintopia (They are Islands no?)- I was in a group of a bunch of Swedes if I recall. I got messaged if I did not want my ...island?... if I could give up the user / pass so friends could be together. I do not think I was too active?
My first country Name in Earth 2025 was Xintopia and I needed a nick to sign my threats to other countries in 1B. Some country named Zantaisia attacked me and we fought, I threatened and got a reply from Zangor.
Long story short, we became allies and found other people in 1b called ourselves CoN - Confederation of Nations (real noobs) then we found Serpentor and EEVIL, fought the Multi Huntaz cuss we each had like 10 countries in 1b. We argued on forums we made ourselves (swirve forums)became friends and turned the Multi_Hutaz into EEVIL multi's lolz.

UTOPIA! so here I am. :-p

Huggles Ruthie

Damn I forgot! Zangor and I became real friends talkin all guy fluff and stuff.. Like a year later I found out" "He" was a "SHE"!, was I embarrassed all the fluff we spoke about. Not really lolz, I don't get embarrassed never have. LOLZ

Edited By: Xintros on Sep 12th 2013, 13:30:01. Reason: Zangor was Zantasia
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"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a killrrun" - Xintros