
Vic Game profile


May 24th 2013, 8:03:58


I agree cheating is an immoral pursuit.

The presentation of your case is flawed. Here's why:
You said, "The bottom line in my book is you have won nothing by cheating"
Well however unfortunate the reality may be - this simply isn't true.
Some, may I even say MANY, have done precisely that by cheating - won.

Now we can bring the cheater's morality into question - but we can not claim 'you have won nothing by cheating' if indeed someone does win by cheating.

"You can't brag that you won and produce any evidence that you won without exposing that you are a cheat"
Sure you can brag that you won. <--- ok so let's start with this.
If the condition of 'winning' i.e. finishing in 1st place, is met by reset's end then you are indeed able to brag that you won.

In fact, I will even venture as far to say that one can brag that they won even after finishing 15th place! Who is to stop it? It may be stupid. But sure, I could come on AT and brag that I won even if I didn't.

"And produce any evidence that you won"
Ok so with that CONDITION, a 15th place finish would not qualify one to brag about finishing 1st. OK.

the only evidence of winning that a cheater needs to produce is simply located on the scoresheet, and on portal under 'top players' (assuming the player and cheater wins the given set)

"... without exposing that you are a cheat"
Ok so here we have a major flaw.

You claim that if one cheats and wins and subsequently decides to 'brag' about the win the cheating will be exposed.
Well no. It is completely conceivable for someone to cheat and brag and remain undetected. The only way to expose cheating is with concrete evidence. So your statement suggests that there is another way. By simply cheating and bragging.

This isn't true.

So I hate cheaters! BUT.
The bottom line is actually:

Cheaters may or may not have won something by cheating. You can brag that you won all you want. The only way you will be exposed as a cheat is if you are caught in game cheating.

Thus, it is a fairly opportune venture.


Edited By: Vic on May 24th 2013, 8:07:44
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