Originally posted by Slagpit:
It's a team server. I know that you like to put multiple tags together and bully other tags so you probably don't get what that means. There can only be five countries in a tag. When you kill all of the original countries in a tag, you then have to kill the restarts.
If all you can do is throw around labels and make up conspiracy theories, there's really no reason for me to post here. The next time you get tagkilled by people you don't know, just assume that I was behind it. At the very least, I'll certainly be cheering them on.
Slagpit - stop pretending that you care about people other than yourself.
You are the biggest hypocrite on these forums. Here's something you recently posted on alliance forum:
There's been a decent amount of talk lately blaming LaF for the decline of the alliance server. The principal reason is usually something about "overfarming". Why is this not the natural order of things? If a country is an untagged, it has deliberately put itself in the weakest position possible on this server. If an alliance is small, it needs to work hard to avoid becoming prey to the larger alliances. Small tags need to make up for their difference in numbers with well run countries, diplomatic skills, and allies."
The truth of the matter is your full of fluff. You claim to care about the actions of Rag but it's only because were in a conflict with you.
When your fellow allies Mademen farmed people, you never posted about it or complained about it. On the Alliance server, you make make a post about how you believe it's the natural order of things for untags and small alliances to be farmed into oblivion by LaF.
You take one side when it suits and do a 180 and make a different claim when it doesn't. But the truth is there, straight out of your mouth from a thread on these very forums.