
Xinhuan Game profile


Apr 7th 2013, 3:42:04

Originally posted by qzjul:
Immediate Changes & Rolling Changes

Hi All;

Firstly we'd like to apologize for the slow pace of development over the past year and a bit; We've been more than a little busy IRL.

That said, there's been some things we've been talking about balancing and changing over the last while; here are some of those changes, one of which will IMMEDIATELY APPLY TO ALL SERVERS, and the rest of which will roll out as the resets happen.


1) Special Attacks will be capped to 5x their previous levels (thier unmodified losses), to prevent excessive losses; this should help the CS problem; it may stretch KR's in special circumstances, but not normal circumstances.


2) Dictatorship Ghost Acre adjustment
Dictatorship will now have a 30% bonus on ghost acres, rather than a 60% bonus on ghost acres. When this was implemented there were few dictatorships playing, so the bonus was kept high to encourage use; now that play has adjusted, it's being moved into the normal range of bonuses.

3) Fascism Oil Bonus Adjustment
Fascism with be rolled back to 1.5x oil, rather than 1.75x oil.

4) Ghost Acres Reduction
Ghost acres will be reduced from 48% to 43%.

5) Base Exploration Change
The Base Explore Rate will be increased from 40 to 45 Acres/turn.

6) PCI denominator adjustment
The networth/land divisor in max PCI will decrease to 18000.

7) Building Cost Increase
The building cost has been adjusted to 3*(max(1,land-1500)^1.05)+1500 instead of 3*land+1500; destruction costs remain a function of building cost.

8) Humantarians at end of Reset
During the last 30 turns of a reset, the humanitarians range will tighten with ((turnsleft/31.7)^2+1.05) with a minimum of the range; (ie GDI, team)

9) Dropping members at end of Reset
Clan leaders cannot drop members from their tag during the last 300 turns

10) Leaving tag at end of Reset
Clan members may not drop from their tag during the last 30 turns

Thank you, and as always please leave your comments and thoughts below. As always this is a work in progress and we're always open to tweaking it.

-qzjul & The EE Dev Team

I'll go my thoughts on each change.

1. Special attacks capped at 5x. I'm ok with this change, though I think it should be capped at maybe 4x or 3x instead of 5x. Some testing still required on ABing a 0 tank country with maybe 300 CSes and see how many ABs it takes to bring it below 20 CS.

2. Dict GA nerf. This is something I proposed directly in the other thread on Alliance. Good change.

3. Fascism Oil Bonus Adjustment. This is a good change, less supply = higher prices, so relative power of the oiler strategy is stronger as everyone else has to pay more. That said, I think that oil demand should still be adjusted upwards (eg. 1 oil should supply only 15 units instead of 25).

4. GA reduction. Same thing as (2). Good change.

5. Base Exploration change. Buffs to all-explore is always good, because it is the weakest strategy. The amount of exploring land is increased by about 12.5% (40 to 45), this counteracts the GA nerf (where GA is reduced from 48 to 43, about 10.4% nerf) somewhat for bottomfeeding. However, still not as strong as removing C:C DR which hurts bottomfeeding more than landtrading.

6. PCI Adjustment means all countries will make more money (and maybe slightly offset the increase in building costs). But cashers will now cash maybe 1-2% more money. Did cashers need a buff? Cashers are extremely strong on solo servers, and are moderately strong on clan servers, depending on market forces. Smaller countries (in NW/Land) might only see a 0.5% buff to their income, it is not significant.

7. Building cost increase. This has 2 direct effects.
A) It is much more costly to build a large country (about 50-70% more)
B) It makes the -construction costs bonus more powerful.
C) It slows country growths significantly maybe by 10-20% (estimate), because players would have to perform less grabs (use less jets to divert money into construction). On a typical day, maybe 1/3 of the money goes into construction, 1/3 into jets and 1/3 into buying techs and new defenses.

Obviously, it is a move to nerf landtrading, since traders in particular spend more than half of their money on construction (and almost none on defenses), and landtrading will probably see slower country growth by about half in combination with the GA nerf. An initial estimate might see landtraders only reach about 50k-60k acres instead of 90k acres.

8. Humanitarians change. Stops last minutes suicides, nice. But don't really get the formula ((turnsleft/31.7)^2+1.05). At 30 turns left, that gives 1.94562... At 15 turns left, that gives 1.2739. At 1 turn left, that gives 1.050995. What does this number mean? Does that mean, at 30 turns left, you can only attack someone that is within x1.94 to /1.94 of your NW? That is smaller than the GDI range, but you said there is a minimum range of GDI still in effect, so it doesn't work?

9. Last 300 turns no dropping of members by admins. That's 4.166 days on Alliance. I think it is too short. Maybe try 500 turns (6.944 days).

10. Last 30 turns no dropping tag. 30 turns is only 10 hours on Alliance. Too short?

Overall a good set of changes, nothing I really disagree with apart from maybe the PCI buff that seems pretty random.

Edited By: Xinhuan on Apr 7th 2013, 6:10:39
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