
braden Game profile


Apr 1st 2013, 20:13:03

my denonym may have been incorrect, pp, but it certainly does exist on the map. if you aren't afraid of google considering you a racist, try entertaining yourself with a little education.

"it's all about connotations and tone. are "chink" and "jap" not racist to you?"

well, then, you all should be up in arms about my fervent use of the word cowardly. connotation and tone, farr worse than a word i use for a people that i both respect and admire (outside of their cowardice when it comes to starting wars, of course)

as for wet back, i mean, how hard is it to pack a towel when you know you're going swimming? at least they don't have to worry about the half hour rule, as they have no food to eat to begin with! (um, comments on socioeconomics isn't inherently racist, is it?)

is calling people from germany a nazi racist? (actual question, this wasn't used to prove a point or anything, heh)

Edited By: braden on Apr 1st 2013, 20:22:00
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