
Xinhuan Game profile


Mar 10th 2013, 18:46:52

Goods in your market doesn't reduce the replenishment rate, Serp. That's a common misconception.

Instead, existing goods in your PM decays at 1.5% per turn, so it APPEARS as though replenishment is reduced.

Note that full replenishment is only added, AFTER all decay has been deducted for the amount of turns since you last logged in. That is, if you logged out for N turns, then

Units at login = (Units at logout)*(0.985^N) + (PM regen)*N

where (PM regen) is equal to the amounts outlined in Makolyte's first post (which forgot the PM bonus).

If you logout with 0 units, then obviously nothing decays. There is no limit to the amount of units you can have in your PM, if you logout for 3 weeks, you will have 3 weeks of PM regen at login (which decays away really fast every turn thereafter).

If you really do logout for 3 weeks though, your initial units at logout would have decayed to almost nothing, but you still gain full replenishment over the period logged out. That is why players doing PM jumps are asked to buyout their PM every time they login (and logout).

Edited By: Xinhuan on Mar 10th 2013, 19:00:37
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