


Jan 6th 2013, 3:49:27

you went the PR root rather than messaging me. You actually found out and went to the AT before I even knew it happened. I found out from yours and Alin's at posts.

They were also obviously single incidences rather than organized.

After that since you wanted P.R. I no longer felt the need to even those for you.

Basically every time I see your actions (you make them so blatently it's hard not to notice) it would make me worry more and trust you less. You've admitted that it makes sense a few times yet you keep doing stunts like this.

To do what you wanted to do... what would have been smarter:

- Asked LaF to aid your other members instead of your country.
- Stepped down
- Get your country killed
- Join SoF with your restart

That would have been fine by anyone I think.

-Stepped down
- stopped making hits for 24 hours
- left tag
-wait 72 hours and joined SoF

once again, wwould have been fine.

you instead chose the worst possible way of dealing with it.

Edited By: Mr.Silver on Jan 6th 2013, 3:57:16
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