
highrock Game profile


Dec 31st 2012, 21:32:19

Originally posted by bstrong86:
Originally posted by Bambam24:
highrocks come join DK i'll make this little misunderstanding up to you buddy.

Bam, stop it wasn't a misunderstanding. If u run untagged u ruj the risk off being killed for an asortment of a hundred different reasons. Here's a few I saw with this country, he bounced. Retal, followed with 4 lgs. That's detah right there. He ran a dict. With at the time I opted him when I lged he had over 5:1 jet turret ratio, all strat and weapons tech.

Since when does DH stop non-L:L retals. If one of your guys bounced when an untag is set to farm, does that stop the farming? As I said, he hit me 3 times. So it was 1:1 for the first, which I bounced. Then 1:2 for the other 2, all SS. Which is far less than what I was owed considering your policy is 2:3 and farm.

I ran dict with all jets and tech because that's the only way I can retal. If you look at my news, I only did retals. I never made a single LG. In fact, I had just finished retalling the #2 rank in the game before you guys decided to farm me for no reason.

I also had no intention of going crazy on DKnights. I was quite happy with taking retals and taking all your land until you guys decided to mass missile and kill me.

Edited By: highrock on Dec 31st 2012, 21:40:38
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formerly Viola MD