
Dragon Game profile


Jul 2nd 2010, 22:35:37

Fair enough. I hope you not only try it, but stick around.

First and foremost, if you are trying to mind your own business, do single grabs against targets, and try to be fair. I have some advice.

Always be ready to bring the pain to idiots. Make sure you have Warfare tech and lots of missiles. Have lots of cash on hand so that when some moron grabs you 4 times you can spy him, see his weak points and them hammer him into pulp.

Don't run with no defense. You don't have to be unbreakable. In fact, there's no way you can be. All you have to do is be less attractive than the next guy as a target.

Don't call your country something you can't back up. For example, if you don't have a guaranteed superior number of tanks compared to everyone else, don't name your country something that says you'll AB everyone that grabs you.

If you get hammered and can't immediately do anything about it, that's okay. Make a list. And when you have the stuff to DO something, then do it. Make sure to send a message with your attacks including news from the event that lead you to do what you just did. Most bottom feeders/farmers aren't real bright. Reminders are nice.

Make friends. Allies are always a good thing.

There's a lot more I could post but this'll get you started.

Edited By: Dragon on Jul 2nd 2010, 22:36:09
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