
Mockdu Game profile


Sep 11th 2012, 17:12:11

Tan shut the fluff up and war!!!

Stop your fluffing whining, your alliance blind sided people too and warred people for stupid reasons. The reason LCN gave is no better then any reason your alliance gave. This is a fighting game, if you don't like warring then uNAP the entire server, and when someone decides that they don't want to give you uNAP then prepare for war.

Oh and just to let you know TAN some of us wanted to kill PDM for spouting all the nonsense you spouted after sof and pdm signed a peace pact. you need to understand that your alliance is in a fluff hole and you need to pull your alliance out of it, so stop throwing your weight around, because there is always someone who will fluffslap you back into the fluff hole, i.e LCN

Edited By: Mockdu on Sep 11th 2012, 17:15:48. Reason:
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