
H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Aug 24th 2012, 23:55:26

Originally posted by braden:
you already know that they don't, how does my admittance of this help explain your point better?

i can't say for certain about america, because i'm not american and am not going to go searching through your irs regulations for fluffs and giggles, but no they don't, they don't pay any tax.

a question i came to myself through all the reading, though, if the minister takes his or her earnings and invests in the market, any money made there do they pay taxes for?

i'll ask my minister on sunday (i am running the sound, that is my volunteer work for the week. i'm a humanitarian at heart)

a) I don't believe they are completely tax exempt. For example I believe they are required to pay PST in most provinces that still have a PST (although I would have to double check that, it is possibly they may be allowed to apply for a refund later).

a) Ministers don't have tax free status, they pay income tax on their wage from the church and they pay tax on investment income etc. The only time a minister receives tax free status is when they declare a vow of poverty (which has a whole whack of other implications as well)

Edited By: H4xOr WaNgEr on Aug 25th 2012, 0:00:20
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