
braden Game profile


Aug 24th 2012, 23:53:44

you already know that they don't, how does my admittance of this help explain your point better?

i can't say for certain about america, because i'm not american and am not going to go searching through your irs regulations for fluffs and giggles, but no they don't, they don't pay any tax.

i do not explicitly recall reading the phrase "property tax" in that act, however, so..

a question i came to myself through all the reading, though, if the minister takes his or her earnings and invests in the market, any money made there do they pay taxes for?

i'll ask my minister on sunday (i am running the sound, that is my volunteer work for the week. i'm a humanitarian at heart)

Edited By: braden on Aug 24th 2012, 23:57:16
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