
mdevol Game profile


Aug 2nd 2012, 6:28:40

Originally posted by Rico:
This is a war in which CC allowed LAB to jump into an even war,

even? at that point of the war it was no even CLOSE to even Rico. we had 70+ inactives that YOU GUYS knew about BEFORE you hit. that is why you hit when you did. we had no way to know if/when we would get them back active. was it dumb? yes, did it effect the war outcome AT ALL? no.

accepted FA from another allience,

that, when found out by even our own leadership were promptly detagged and had killed every country that was involved.

allowed 14 countries to tag jump from HDS to AoDT (You thought I hadn't seen that?)

this "tag" was created without our knowledge, and when we found out about it, it didnt hapen again, but of all clans, its a bit funny that IMP is complaining about small/subtags to grow during/before war. that said, it was stopped after the first incedent. had we been contacted about it he would have been detagged and asked to restart. (notice we didnt use the "he was planning all along to tag CC, it just too a while for him to process it" excuse.

Donny himself claims AoDT recruited 5 new players just to fight IMP.

and donny is wrong. we did not recruit 5 new players, we got 5 of our old inactive members to finally play thier countries.

something about grabbing llaar

i still dont know what all happened, as i was at work, but the player has been dealt with and that is not acceptable.

you can try to drag us through the mud Rico, but at least use some GOOD stuff. this is weak, even for you.

Edited By: mdevol on Aug 2nd 2012, 6:35:53
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Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis