
NukEvil Game profile


Jul 25th 2012, 16:48:49

That's just it, tho. Unless you're an idiot or the first one to try an attack, all you'd have to do is look at the news or do a spyop to see whether or not I actually have turrets on hand. So, your high nw to land ratio, and a DH or two in the news should be enough to get the average player to suspect something isn't quite right...

P.S. This set, I'll be stocking missiles as well as food. I'll also be in GDI, which means my missiles will be safe from spy ops. This time, I might not pick the highest-ranked multi-tapping country to dump all my missiles on. I may even choose to dump them on multiple multi-tappers. And I'll try to wait till just before the end of the reset to exact my revenge.

Last reset, I was in church while sending off those missiles. This reset will probably be the same.

Edited By: NukEvil on Jul 25th 2012, 16:53:10
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