
MauricXe Game profile


Jul 6th 2012, 18:49:37


The military did that just as it did while Bush was in office and they got Saddam.

Oh really? Bush stopping Bin Laden?

The Tora Bora mess:

Cause his economic policies, health care and military cuts Have ALL been bad for America.

You mean like extending the Bush tax cuts (a republican idea and one Romney would continue), and saving the auto-industry (which most economist agree was a GOOD thing)? You do realize the economy is RECOVERING right?

The Pentagon submitted a report that they can do well with a budget cut. Who are you or anyone in congress to say they are wrong?

I could bring up how Obama has armed Mexican drug lords through fast and fourious

For a summary of Fortune Magazine's findings, which conclude the ATF had no policy that intentionally permitted weapons to be trafficked:

Also see:

"As for the bad guys, a recent Fortune magazine article about Fast and Furious pointed to the gun-friendly situation in Arizona and said: “By 2009 the Sinaloa drug cartel had made Phoenix its gun supermarket and recruited young Americans as its designated shoppers or straw purchasers.”"

Obama has also allowed Mexican truck drivers to enter and drive in the USA.

True story. But did you know that this is something a Republican would do? George Bush did the same thing. I expect Romney would as well. Why? It's a benefit for business. In 2009, Congress defunded Bush's pilot program that allowed Mexican truckers to drive in the US. Mexico responded with a tariff on our good. This cost U.S. businesses more than $2 billion and had cut U.S. exports to Mexico of affected agricultural commodities by 27 percent.

How big is the market in Mexico for US exports? Mexico is the No. 2 export market for U.S. pork, behind Japan.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce said the deal would make the U.S.-Mexico border more efficient and increase the competitiveness of the North American economy.


Many actions the government takes hurts one group but provides a larger benefit (or is supposed to) to the country. I wouldn't call this particular issue an infringement on your freedoms or Anti-American.

You could say Obama has weakened the military by allowing openly gays to serve, thus weakening our troop cohesiveness.

There is zero proof that the military has degraded at all.

The jury is still out on Obamacare. The total cost to businesses is not well defined i.e. will it be more expensive to cover or take the penalty?

But I think the costs of granting 40M more Americans coverage is a good thing at the cost of raising taxes on about 1-3% of the workforce.

1 good thing Obama did? I have already shown Bush was a failure at getting Bin Laden. Score one for Obama.

He saved the auto-industry. Score one for Obama.

But if you want a list:

I got a question for you Deerhunter, if Ronald Reagan were alive today and could run for president, would you vote for him?

Edited By: MauricXe on Jul 6th 2012, 18:53:00. Reason: One more paragraph
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