
Pang Game profile

Game Development

Jun 26th 2012, 3:17:36

i saw that flamey was saying I demanded a crazy amount of reps for his members' really douchey post-war "i'm bored and want to mess up someone's round" hits. I quickly want to clear that up because it was not at all a crazy amount of reps.

I worked it out using the same sort of formulas as your allies' pacts and you guys actually agreed with the number (even ivan). if you had paid us back at the end of the round you were in (which was entirely possible after your war was over, after all that's why you were able to grab us) then you wouldn't have had to pay us back the next round.

you're also leaving out the part where we decreased the amount of reps owed because the value of reps is higher earlier in the round. It was still never even close to being paid off -- and come to think of it,it only started being paid after you knew we were pretty much ready to war from spies and/or hanlong.

the bottom line is that if you think that was a lot of reps, you're crazy because it was the actual amount of cash to pay for the end NW they lost based on the strats they were running. You're allied to the most reps-hungry alliance in the history of the game. maybe they can teach you a thing or two about how reps work :p

oh and on topic, if evo had LaF on the ropes trying to force them from the game, I'd absolutely go back there and help LaF win that conflict. that being said, i hope no one is trying to run anyone from the game and if you are, stop it.

you can all go back to trolling eachother now.

Edited By: Pang on Jun 26th 2012, 3:22:28
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