
anoniem Game profile


May 23rd 2012, 9:07:15

there is no excuse for having multiple deletions 3 resets in a row. it's 4 resets if we count the first time you tried to bring FBI back. i gave you a uNAP the first time, but after that you couldn't be trusted.

i gave jesst (aka fazer's multie account) a uNAP for muppets last reset, until the deletions occurred, and i voided the pact.

if you want people to not farm you - how about you don't get deleted?

jesus, look at C R O A T I A. I put him on DNH every reset because he has EARNED it. if a single country can earn some respect, then why can't your clan? for the simple reason - you cheat and then whine about getting farmed. if you didnt cheat and get deleted then you wouldn't have to keep restarting and then lag behind (leaving yourself open to being farmed).

you seemed quite happy when evo focused their attentions on laf (who had two of their leaders caught cheating - mind you it wasn't multies). you have been caught cheating several times or your members have.

your options:
either learn how not to get caught and continue cheating
run a legitimate alliance
outpost in a larger alliance that can teach you strategy
give up the idea of having your own alliance and join an established one

option B would give you some respect, but there is nothing wrong with putting your hands up and joining an established alliance. im sure most people here have run small alliances, and they know the key is the strategy and retal capability.

Edited By: anoniem on May 23rd 2012, 9:11:13
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