
martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 14th 2012, 1:03:45

Time to put an end to this.
1) did TC/Hanlong break game rules? yes
2) did TC/hanlong to anythig that the admin feels require follow up in terms of going beyond the context of this game and related servers? Right now no. If there is anything where pang/qz change their minds about regarding anyone it will be up to them to decide what they are going to do and if/when they will share that info with any of you

Onto Evo:
Did KJ hack/break any rules/cheat?
The only bad things KJ has done in terms of rules violations in EE has been to post things he shouldn't and has been banned/deleted for doing it. No admin has given him any info or passed on any info. If you know my game related history with KJ you would quickly realize that I would scream bloody murder if any of that was true.
Has KJ been egging you guys along regarding hacking? Definately. Is that against any game rules? no. In fact I fail to see why because it only has brought increased scruity against evo and KJ. It's also somewhat aggrevating because it means that we have to spend our time investigating all this stuff which could be used on game development. However it takes two to tango and it would be unfair to single KJ (or even EVO) out for doing stuff like that. As far as in game political actions go that's for the community to sort out, not going to delete a tag just because they do something I don't like (if it's within the game rules).

At this point there is no more reason to keep rehashing this and I"m going to close this thread.

If more evidence comes to light that we think is important to the community as a whole we will let you know.

If you are all going to fight over politics, keep it to politics and in game actions please.
Thank you.

Edited By: martian on May 14th 2012, 8:44:04
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