


May 10th 2012, 23:03:45

I had every intention to wreak havok upon your little netting reset, and was planning to on the 8th as retribution for what I believe was a despicable act. You killing members of DC, a "big" influx of new, eager players, because you couldn't deal with getting hit yourselves, needed to be retalliated. Those new players couldn't. Oh, I was oh so hopeful. Then you had to go ahead and declare war on LaF. Phooie.

So I had passed on eVo. Then I heard some crap about you posting on Hanlong's work forum? That's utter bullfluff. Keep the game in the game. Don't be bringing people's livelihood and careers into their errors in this game.

So there. No. I'm not an LaF lapdog. I just wanted to make it easier for KJ to useless in game.


Edited By: Cyclical on May 11th 2012, 2:20:35
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