
Dragon Game profile


May 8th 2012, 21:29:45

I agree with Fordy. It wasn't a conspiracy. It was a no-brainer based on calculated acts.

Where I think a lot of people make the mistake is that they try to apply today's attitudes and access to information to things that happened 70 years ago.

I'll be honest. I think FDR will eventually be shown as the bastard that destroyed America. But based on Fordy's (correct) statement that War was inevitable, despite the level to which I despise FDR, it wasn't a conspiracy.

The larger question is why we allowed China to be taken over by Communists after spending money and lives to fight and ultimately kick the Japanese off of the Asian Continent.

That would be because ass-kisser, condescending Rich Roosevelt incorrectly assumed that the Chinese were idiot robots that would simply work themselves to death as American slaves like they did when they built the transcontinental railroad.

See, that's the problem with Democrats. For all their noble talk (lies), they hate the downtrodden. They look down their noses at them. But they buy votes and exploit the opportunity to make poor people fat and happy so that they can breed their poison until it consumes us all.

Eventually, they will destroy America. I personally don't think it can be stopped now,so let's just get it over with.

Edited By: Dragon on May 8th 2012, 21:44:57
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