


May 5th 2012, 13:09:05

Originally posted by Bikerman:
Originally posted by TheMatrix:
Originally posted by Bikerman:
Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
Just want to point out to morons trying to spin this ALREADY that what Hanlong did is still considered hacking because it is unauthorized DB/network access.

It is not really hacking (cracking) if you have the user/password - get your facts straight :)

hanglong is that you? You must be trolling because no person with half a brain would like having access to the whole game database including another alliance's forums would think that was intended...

More countries than the US have cybercrime laws. In fact in Germany it is illegal to even poses a tool that can be used for hacking. UK is tossing around the idea of banning them as well.

Perhaps you should get your facts straight. TOM is right, check cyber-crime laws...

Cyber-crime law is just some american way of trying to controll the worls - just like someone in this game is trying to make politics out every thing.

And besides, who knows if he didn't think it was legit? - TC could have given him the user/password and said "here it is from the admins, they are trying to reduse the load on the web server and gives people the user/password for the database to play from there"

I havn't read anywhere that admins do not give the user/password to whom ever ask for it - have you?

Edited By: TheMatrix on May 5th 2012, 13:11:27
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