
martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

May 4th 2012, 19:16:41

There's a lot of supposition/rumors floating around so I want to clarify what the status of things is right now.

1) From what we can tell, TC did edit his country. (he didn't say he did.. my bad).

2) Based on what we know, Hanlong got db access/password from TC. There is no evidence that he did anything other than login to the db (and presumably read stuff). There are logs of him running queries against evolution2025's forum tables.

3) As far as we know, no other unauthorized individual accessed the db. The owner of country found with negative units did not knowingly do anything to create that situation. See my comments on the 585 thread about that specifically.

4) I cannot really comment on who did what in boxcar. From my standpoint that has nothing to do with ee.

5) should anyone have any solid evidence of any wrongdoing on the part of anyone, I would encourage them to contact myself (or an admin) privately.

6) As game staff, the only people I punish are people who directly break the rules. Unless there is proof that someone took advantage of information that they knew was as the result of breaking an ee rule, I don't consider it a rules violation. Anything else from my standpoint is a political/community issue.

Disclamer: Any inconsistencies between what I've said and what pang/qz have posted are not intentional and probably either a mistake on my part or because additional information is known now that wasn't clear when they posted.

Please feel free to ask any direct questions about this on this thread. Please keep any political trolling off this thread.

Also pang/qz may come by later and correct me if I"m wrong.

Edited By: Pang on May 5th 2012, 0:50:11. Reason: boxcar info
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