
Jiman Game profile


May 2nd 2012, 4:02:30

I want to believe in Son Goku because I know him to be a trust worthy individual, but this really wipes a massive stain on all of Laf, like it or not.

Represenatives of Laf toke certain types of actions that should of been noticable by others involved in Laf yet nothing came out until Pang made his post. I find the current events and explanations lacking some logic and there is a long list of explanations needed. Sadly not everything is going to be provided for us.

What I see Laf doing right not is quickly cutting the limbs off of those involved in the public eye and keeping those who were not caught. This is what I think at this present moment, like it or not.

This isnt a game mistake where a player lies to another leader. This isn't an alliance breaking a FDP with another alliance just to hit them.
This is a breach in trust and horrid on the real life scale and goes further beyond then anything anyone can do in this game.

This is how I currently see this situation.

Thank you for ruining our gaming expereince.

Edited By: Jiman on May 2nd 2012, 4:07:56
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