
anoniem Game profile


Apr 26th 2012, 7:43:51

Originally posted by Helmet:
You posted an analogy of two anologies. Who cares. I'm not going to waste my time arguing about semantics.

I'll make it really easy, but this is my last post. You have put all kinds of words in my mouth and have gone way beyond anything I said.

Almost every time a war happens both sides feel completely justified. Sometimes it's miscommunication, sometimes it's misunderstandings, paranoia, etc. The fact is both sides feel right in what they're doing. If one side is losing all of the cry babies come out and post all over the AT and insult each other. They also insult the rest of us that don't even get involved in the politics.

I could write you a novel on why the PDM war happened and why I feel us hitting them was justified and before another genius posts otherwise, WE DID NOT ATTACK THEM FIRST LAST SET. Check the news. They FS's us.

Anyone is welcome to think SoF are bullies. I think you're wrong and it's an unfair title, but I don't care about that. You guys don't know the facts about the last two rounds. I do. Well, I don't even know them all, but I know my place in all of it and I have no skeletons in my closet.

My post wasn't about things could be worse than having bullies. I was just saying some people here don't know what truly getting fluffed over in this game is. Having someone break the rules and using bots against you is really bad. This stuff isn't worth getting so worked up about. It's small potatoes and that's a fact.

I have read a lot of the posts from SOL and Laf. Laf don't think they're bullies in the least and they feel justified in their actions. Sol feels like Laf is completely out of line. To post all day about Laf or Sol is wrong is just being a whiner.

Well done, Helmet. You've just proved why you're a bully and like all bullies you feel vindicated in your actions.

You backed PDM into the tiniest corner last set, so they had to give up netting either way due to your continual pressure and bully-boy antics. Do you think PDM wanted to give up netting, so that they could war you? Why do you think Pang is no longer HFA for PDM? Due to your bully-boy alliance.

Anyone can see from those logs that your alliance wanted to isolate PDM, as much as possible. You couldn't give a crap about a fair fight, which is why your alliance is a steaming pile of crap. So do not bring up other variables like paranoia etc. You wanted to FS them. See the word wanted. There's a difference between having to do something and wanting to do something.

Remember when you got Ivan to FS Evo OOP two resets ago? Couldn't handle Evo then when the numbers were evenly matched and you didn't have all your war prep or your usual advantage of blindsiding unsuspected netgainers.

If you can't see your cowardice then you are a bully that will never see the light. I see the botting didn't humble you, but made you rather arrogant. As for killing to have you in my alliance? Who do I have to kill exactly? Is it some kind of initiation test whereby I have to "wipe ICN off of the face of the game" (a quote from Sov) to have you in my alliance?

Your analogy is a load of rubbish, and anybody with half a brain can see you are trying to play down the issue - like the good bully you are.

You try to belittle other people's posts, but doesn't your rant count as whining? I mean you called me a "fluff" and resulted to using "CAPS LOCK". You also whined about the botting SoF received all of 10 years ago. Maybe you need to get with the current times, because what people are aggrieved about now is your alliance's attitude/fluffish behaviour.

As for you SMz, you've got quite the ego. What I've learnt about you so far:
1) You talk about MDMA (Ecstasy) on a text-based game's forums
2) You have a large ego: "Im a cool dude to talk to and hang out with."
3) You use similes to compare things you know nothing about
4) You deflect the fact that you are a dirty cheat by accusing others
5) You never have anything relevant to say. It's as if you're at the back of the sheds at school and are using swear words for the first time.

Edited By: anoniem on Apr 26th 2012, 7:46:43
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