


Apr 24th 2012, 18:15:04

Preamble to whet the appetite:
19:12 Chevs ya our pact with RD is fluff
19:12 @Xyle(Sov) Rage is a joke
19:12 S|snake na is the worst alliance on the server right now
0119:08 LCNDeci imag hits anyone they please to hit
18:37 S|snake im pretty sure we can force pang into pacting pdm
18:02 Don_Hanlong " Eugene: and SOL is taken care of thats all "
18:54 Don_Hanlong we do like warring ;)
18:54 Don_LT SOL/Evo would have to be pretty stupid to comea t us again next set
18:55 Don_LT they should be fairly demoralized by now
18:23 Don_Hanlong well evo wanting to war makes it much easier :P
18:27 Don_Hanlong i hope you aren't worried about PDM :P
19:06 Don_Hanlong laf cannot hit md next reset
19:06 @Xyle(Sov) If I had my way I'd wipe ICN from this game
19:06 Don_Hanlong we can hit anyone else
18:48 PG well farm PDM
18:48 PG tehy think tehy can do that to others.
18:48 PG =D
18:39 @Flamey Could use PDM land as a springboard for any midset war heh
18:39 Chevs would we look bad having a farm fs
18:39 Chevs lol
18:39 Chevs yes flamey
18:39 Chevs nice timing

Edited By: LulzSec on Apr 24th 2012, 19:06:29
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