
farmer Game profile


Feb 25th 2012, 6:42:40

I am sure that some of you remember fraz from CWG

From the office of CWG....

Fraz has not been doing well, and has been admitted to hospital some 9 days ago
Fraz posts on his Facebook downplaying his health issues.But it is a VERY serious matter again
If you are on Facebook and have Fraz as a friend please post well wishes there, and if you don't have contact please post in this forum

Clowns With Guns RingMaster

My stomach was dangerously extended and filled with fluid, I have what's called is Asitis. They took a ct scan on me, and found a large tumor between my liver and gall bladder that's creating the fluid to go back into my stomach. Thank you all for your love and support, it means alot to me. I am now waiting on a transfer to a different hospital where I will be under one if the best liver and gall bladder specialists in western Canada. Thank you everyone for the best well wushes, my family is with me, and my sister flew my real mom to be here with me, I don't know when u guys will see me again, I will miss you all and thank u again to everyone for your support

Edited By: Pang on Apr 21st 2012, 4:54:21
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